March is colorectal cancer awareness month. Rectal bleeding requires an assessment.
March is colorectal cancer awareness month. Rectal bleeding requires an assessment.
Hormones are chemical messengers with an incredibly import role in managing body activities.
As we age, and with some disease conditions, our bodies lose the ability to make hormones as quickly and completely as we need them. That's where hormone treatment becomes important.
While there are hundreds of hormones, several that are commonly enhanced are:
While it may be common to replace these and other hormones, it is critical to do so with great care and under medical supervision. These are powerful substances, each capable of producing unintended effects.
We are proud to have developed significant expertise in hormone therapy, and we are happy to help you correct any hormone imbalances you may have.
We offer hormone replacement by multiple techniques, including pellet implanation.
Women may experience a loss of desire for intimacy for both physical and psychological reasons. Finding the underlying cause is an important part of finding an effective treatment.
The physical causes may include a loss of libido resulting from inadequate testosterone (Yes! Women need that, too!), or pain with intimacy (called dyspareunia) that accompanies thinning and drying tissues which results from a lack of estrogen. We can help with
the evaluation and treatment of hormonal imbalances.
Unrelated to physical issues a woman may lose interest because of external stressors - financial, emotional, or even physical - such as pain. This is why working to get to the root of the problem is so important.
We can also help with genital lesion removal, fertility, and contraception.
By the way, have you ever heard of "Scream Cream?" Yes, it does pretty much what you would expect.
The thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck just below the Adam’s apple, takes iodine from the diet and makes thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormone affects a person’s physical energy, temperature, weight, and mood.
There are several forms of thyroid hormone that can help. These have imposing, if not intimidating names: Triiodothyronine and Tetraiodothyronoine, also called T3 and T4, respectively,
These hormones are triggered by a complex mechanism in the brain. Determining the best medication to treat a thyroid imbalance is based on a review of certain blood labs.
Let us help you help yourself.
Estrogen and Progesterone hormones are produced in greatly reduced volumes after menopause. Replacement of these hormones can go a long way to helping you feel like your normal self.
However, not all replacement hormones are the same as the naturally-occurring hormones. We use bioidentical hormones for the best effect.
Progesterone helps protect the uterus from cancer, but it is not necessary if there is no uterus.
We must address the concerns of the increased risk of breast cancer from estrogen replacement. In a few words, it's not true.
Many years ago, a very poorly designed and executed study concluded there is a risk; however, better studies show that is not the case. Some forms of estrogen are actually protective against breast cancer.
In fact, data now lead to the conclusion that poorly formulated progesterone is more contributory than estrogen to the risk of breast cancer.
Cortisol, frequently called the "stress hormone" is produced by a very small gland located at the tip-top of the kidney.
Normally, this hormone is at its peak first thing in the morning, and gradually diminishes through the day, reaching a low point around the end of your evening. While you sleep, it is replenished in time to help wake you up in the morning.
When a person experiences stressful conditions, the normal pattern of dimenishment and replenishment is altered. Sometimes, the cortisol stays elevated. You cannot function close to normally in when this happens. Other times, it stays diminished. When this happens, you feel like you have "hit the wall at 200 miles per hour."
The most accurate way to test your cortisol levels is with saliva. Specimens are collected four times in one day - we'll show you how.
Hormone pellets, which are about the size of a grain of rice, are inserted in the fat under the skin on the hip in a quick, nearly painless procedure that takes about 15 minutes - after which you can go back to work (if you want to).
After an evaluation to identify which hormones you need and the appropriate dose of hormone, we drape the area of the implant, numb it with lidocaine, make a small stab incision with a scalpel, and then use a small tool called a trocar to insert the pellet(s). We use some small bandages to close the incision and cover it with a dressing. Total time is very short and pain is minimal.
We will want to check the levels of hormones in your system at about four to six weeks. Then we repeat that at four months and add more pellets.
We offer a one-year plan at a substantial discount. Once you get used to feeling good, you won't go back to bad.
The best form of hormone is whatever form you will use. Some hormones can be taken by mouth, such as progesterone. Other forms are rendered inactive if taken by mouth. In these cases, either an injection, topical, or pellet implant may be best.
We are happy to tell you the pros and cons of each form and let you make the best decision.
Men may experience a loss of ability to perform during intimacy because of many factors. Effective treatment is focused on first finding the cause.
Erectile dysfunction may be associated with Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, or following surgery to address serious prostate issues, such as enlargement or cancer. Any surgery on the prostate can lead to ED. If you are experiencing issues with urinary voiding, you owe it to yourself to discuss this with a doctor who will help find the underlying cause(s).
If you have ED, there are treatment options and we are glad to help. Once the cause is determined, we can work together on a treatment that both you and your partner will find acceptable.
Our Chandler office is near Sun Lakes. Coming soon - our new office in Prescott.
Men of all ages can and do experience difficulties with intimacy. As men age, they may produce less testosterone which results in a loss of libido, energy, and stamina. This is the man who feels he's "lost his mojo."
The fact is, men just do not think clearly if their testosterone level is too low. Some studies say chronic low testosterone contributes to dementia.
These days, it seems like everyone is jumping on the testosterone bandwagon - but careful medical supervision is essential.
This is why we test hormone levels and create a plan for each man, individually.
If a man takes too much testosterone, the adverse effects may include episodes of rage; acne on the face, chest, or back; loss of hair; and loss of testicular size and function.
The best form of hormone is whatever form you will use. Some hormones can be taken by mouth, such as progesterone. Other forms are rendered inactive if taken by mouth. In these cases, either an injection, topical, or pellet implant may be best.
We are happy to tell you the pros and cons of each form and let you make the best decision.
Cortisol, frequently called the "stress hormone" is produced by a very small gland located at the tip-top of the kidney.
Normally, this hormone is at its peak first thing in the morning, and gradually diminishes through the day, reaching a low point around the end of your evening. While you sleep, it is replenished in time to help wake you up in the morning.
When a person experiences stressful conditions, the normal pattern of dimenishment and replenishment is altered. Sometimes, the cortisol stays elevated. You cannot function close to normally in when this happens. Other times, it stays diminished. When this happens, you feel like you have "hit the wall at 200 miles per hour."
The most accurate way to test your cortisol levels is with saliva. Specimens are collected four times in one day - we'll show you how.
Copper Valley Medical, LLC
4955 S. Alma School Road, Ste 10, Chandler, AZ 85248 9819 N. 95th Street, Ste 101, Scottsdale, Az 85258
(602) 566-2015 (Office) (602) 680-1025 (fax)